Network and support

We are looking for partners who share our values and objectives:

  • foundations and public institutions, ready to support creative projects aimed at priority audiences (young people, people in need of integration)
  • associations involved in social and cultural activities, keen to collaborate on projects targeting our audiences.
  • schools and educational institutions that want to enrich their curriculum with creative activities and cultural outings.
  • Businesses and local authorities who want to invest in creativity to promote innovation, team spirit and well-being in the workplace.
  • Individuals who believe in the power of creativity to transform lives and communities and who want to support our initiatives through volunteering.

We are part of European organisations (Horizon Europe, New European Bauhaus, Europeana) that will enable us to participate in cultural heritage projects.

We already have links with a number of universities in Lyon (ENSATT, ENSAL, INSA, Lyon 1), Grenoble (Grenoble Alpes Université) (GEM Labs), Saint-Etienne (Institut d’Optique) and Clermont-Ferrand (Université Clermont Auvergne).

We also have close links with local associations and groups such as Quelque P’Arts, Groupe Art Contemporain and SMAC 07.

We are members of the PATSTEC mission (Patrimoine Scientifique et Technique Contemporain) and the Amcsti (Association des musées et centres pour le développement de la culture scientifique technique et industrielle).

Representatives from the CNRS Archeovision laboratory, the École Centrale de Nantes and the University of Nantes are also involved in our digital development process. The DRAC, the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region and the Ardèche department are actively involved in funding the studies for the Varagnes development work, the media and the digital development mentioned above. Annonay Rhône Agglo is also supporting our project.